The Threefold Path to Wisdom
Thu, 10 Feb
|A full month of practice, at home & on Zoom
The essence of the Buddhist Path, and how it connects us with all life, every day
Times & Location
10 Feb 2022, 18:30 – 04 Mar 2022, 20:30
A full month of practice, at home & on Zoom
This is an offering to start the new year, to help let our daily life be infused by our practice, and experience how we are always living in an interconnected way: with each other and with the world.
For this 4-week course we will meet as a group once a week (Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:30 UK time), and additionally have a one day-retreat in the month (probably 26 or 27 Feb). You will also receive at least three weekly impulses from me via email: something to read or listen to, to enrich your day, or a little task to take for a walk in nature (also possible in the city!). There will be small assignments or images that you can allow to speak to you ... it will be full of surprises! - And there will be the opportunity to meet with a partner in the course, and, if you wish, once in that month, in a smaller group with me.
This course is designed to support your practice, as you find most useful just then: you can engage very fully, and use it like a retreat, or as an opportunity to carry your practice with you into your everyday life and work.
We will explore the Threefold Wisdom of Listening, Reflecting and Meditating in our own bodies & minds, in meditation & study, in movement, and in the way, we relate to one another. Even for those of us who have practiced for many years, this path can always be fresh.
Listening is an excellent way to engage more deeply in our spiritual practice: yes, listening to the Dharma, but broader than that. It is about noticing how we are always already connected with the world around us, and how, as part of the world, we are called into being in new and different ways every day. Noticing how the world flows through us, we can allow our Bodhisattva Heart to respond, and so the spiritual path will invite us in, rather than being something we need to engage with through a sense of effort.
The threefold path helps us explore:
- how we can listen to what is present, rather than it being drowned out by inner voices
- how we can see instead of assuming we know
- how reflecting is possible without adding our own thoughts to the world
- how to allow ourselves to relax more deeply
- how difficulties are the path, without us needing to improve upon them
- how treading a path does not have be be an act of striving
- how can we discover freedom on this path
We will explore all this through movement, as part of spiritual practice: being in the unknown, allowing ourselves to know what is flowing through us more closely, and letting ourselves release all of it into space. We will also look at short texts from different parts of the Buddhist tradition.
This course is open to all, and does not need previous experience in movement or meditation.
The fee is on a sliding scale of between £60 - 160. If you are able to contribute more, you will help someone else take part, who is unable to do so. Please contact me, if it is not possible for you to give that.
Please register for the course here. You will then receive a Zoom Link to join before the beginning of the course. To find out more, see the full programme please write to me here - I will be in touch.
I look forward to exploring more in your company!