The Four Immeasurables
Thu, 20 May
|Zoom Course (intro & eight weeks)
How can teachings from the Buddhist path support us in these times of crisis that can lead to rifts in society? This course will help us build a community of support, through sharing, meditation, study & movement improvisation.

Times & Location
20 May 2021, 19:00 – 23:00 BST
Zoom Course (intro & eight weeks)
In Buddhist teaching, these heart wishes are called the Four Immeasurables, or the Four Brahma Viharas (Abodes of the Gods):
May all beings be happy and have the root of happiness.
May all beings be free of suffering and the root of suffering
May all beings experience the joy which is not mixed with any suffering, and
May all beings experience equanimity which is free of bias in favour of friends and relatives and against enemies and people we dislike.
(Translation James Low)
How can these intentions be something that effectively supports us in difficult times, beyond well-meaning aspirations? Can we discover in ourselves how to find interactions with each other - and ourselves - that allow openness to guide us, even when suffering is present?
Whether we can meet up in person or not, we can still experience that we and the world – other people and all of nature – are deeply connected. As in the previous online courses, through meeting regularly online we will build a small community that can be a support within difficult times.
Taking two sessions to look at each one of the four immeasurables, we will study, meditate, share and listen to each other, and use exercises from improvisation to help us experience the essence of those teachings directly. In between sessions we will continue engagement or support with each other through online platforms or personally. The course is suitable whether you are familiar with Buddhist practice or not.
Openness is always present and gives us stability, even when times are uncertain. Movement is there, even within restriction.
8-week course (from 20 May to 8 July). Times given are UK times.
To book and get the zoom link, please use the 'any questions?' button at the top or click here.
The course charge is (suggested) £80 - 160.