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Movement & Meditation

Mon, 01 Mar


5th April too: Zoom Gathering (monthly)

...a chance to practice and connect on the first Monday of each month

Movement & Meditation
Movement & Meditation

Times & Location

01 Mar 2021, 18:30 – 20:30 GMT

5th April too: Zoom Gathering (monthly)


This is an opportunity to meet and connect regularly through embodied exercises which support our practice and meditation. We will explore qualities of openness and a sense of space, that is present and can give us stability, even when times are uncertain - just as movement is there, even within restriction. Though isolated, we can experience that we and the world – other people and all of nature – are deeply connected and movement and engaging face to face can really help and heal us after this time.  

Schedule - all events are Mondays, 6.30 - 8.30 pm, UK time:

Moving and Meeting in Kindness7th December:

Discovering the New, in Body and Mind4th January '21:

Growing gently - or in bursts! ...playing with Interruptions1st February '21:

Expect the Unexpected - looking from new perspectives1st March '21:

The event is run on the basis of donation. I would like to share what I can without thinking of money, but I have no independent means of support, so I rely on your generosity here. I suggest a contribution of between £10 and £15, if you can give that.  

I will not turn anyone away for lack of funds. You can also help by telling more people about this!

Please use this link for a transfer or here, also with any me

Once you have booked I will send a Zoom link. 

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