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Letting the World Live Through Us

Thu, 01 Sept


at home & on Zoom

- a community of practice - meeting regularly over four months from September

Letting the World Live Through Us
Letting the World Live Through Us

Times & Location

01 Sept 2022, 18:30 – 15 Dec 2022, 20:30

at home & on Zoom


In our life and practice, how can we embrace, and breathe through and with whatever comes our way? How can we see sorrow and joy as something that deeply connects us to other human and non-human beings, and to this great, beautiful, precious world that we share with them all?

This is an new initiative, born from the crises over the last few years, which seemed to enforce separation, but also gave birth to the deep appreciation of our connectedness. Let us join together in community, to support each other in discovering and sustaining a new way of living in this world, based on the experience of a deep and vital interconnection with what is around us. 

It seems most vital in this time to deeply experience our interrelatedness with our world, with Earth, our mother. Instead of seeing the world as a resource for our benefit and comfort, how can we experience directly that we arise with her, every moment, and discover what special gifts we each bring and can offer for healing and well-being?

As a basic structure we will use the Threefold Wisdom of Listening, Reflecting and Meditating in our own bodies & minds, in meditation & study, in movement, and in the way, we relate to one another. Even for those of us who have practiced for many years, this path can always be fresh. Also we will draw on the deep well of wisdom coming from people engaged in exploring ways to engage with the climate emergency from our spiritual practice (Joanna Macy and others).

For this gathering over four months we will meet as a group twice a month on the first and third Thursday, 6:30 - 8:30 UK time, and additionally have a one day-retreat (date tbc). You will also receive regular impulses from me via email: something to read or listen to, to enrich your day, or a little task to take for a walk in nature (also possible in the city!). There will be small assignments or images that you can allow to speak to you ... it will be full of surprises! - And there will be the opportunity for weekly meetings with a partner in the course, and, if you wish, once every month, 1-to-1 with me. 

This course is open to all, and does not need previous experience in movement or meditation. It is designed to support your practice, whatever context you might live in, and as you find most useful as an opportunity to carry your practice with you into your everyday life and work.

The fee is on a sliding scale of between £160 - 320. If you are able to contribute more, you will help someone else take part, who is unable to do so. Please contact me, if it is not possible for you to give that.

Please register here to join this community of practice. You will then receive a Zoom Link to join before the first date. To find out more, please write to me here - I will be in touch. To see the full schedule, please click on 'other dates'.

I look forward to exploring more in your company!


  • 2 hours

    twice-monthy meetings


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